Chord Huei MM/MC előerősítő

    561 251 Ft

    Based on 30 years of amplifier-building expertise, Huei offers MM/MC compatibility and integrates turntables to our amplifiers.


    Input Impedance: Moving magnet: 47,000Ω, Moving coil: 100Ω – 3,700Ω, 12-step user selectable
    Gain Range: Moving magnet: 21dB – 42dB, 8-step user selectable Moving coil: 49dB – 70dB, 8-step user selectable
    Input Noise: 1.1nV/Hz
    Max Output Voltage RMS: 20v RMS
    Equalisation Response: RIAA Curve Equalisation
    Accuracy: +/- 0.1dB
    Frequency Response: RIAA Curve = 12Hz to 25kHz
    Rumble Filter: Rausch Slope -24dB per octave below 50Hz
    Output Impedance: 520Ω (resistive)
    Input Power Supply: 12v – 100v to 240v 50/60Hz PSU
    Dimensions: 41mm x 160mm x 72mm
    Weight: 657g